Thursday, June 4, 2009

yummiest street tacos ever!

one thing margot learned within hours of our arrival in guatemala was that daniel and i have some not so productive traveling habits in's a form of adhd...just about anything can distract us from getting to the originally planned destination...and we don't have any problem with that or sense of urgency about it whatsoever. so the burden of getting to where we needed to go layed entirely on margot. so, our destination for the first day was the mayan ruins in far did we actually get?...oh...about half way. but if it weren't for being half a day behind schedule by the end of the first day we wouldn't have had the pleasure of tasting the yummiest street tacos ever! the magic is in the marinade the meat is soaked in for over a day and the green sauce, which i have no idea how to make...i will definitely try my best to find out how to make this's phenomenal.

the nice young man who cooked up these delicious tacos...and his portable grill.

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