Tuesday, June 23, 2009

kefir shake

this is my favorite type of shake. kefir is a great source of probiotics, which is essential for good digestion. the only problem is that it doesn't exactly have the kind of flavor that people are drawn to. it's like a sour yogurt type of flavor and i have trouble drinking it unless i mix it with something. so, the 8 oz. kefir shake is one of my favorite treats. i'll have this with breakfast or as a snack during the day and i think it's around 250 calories give or take. i enjoy yogurt as a snack as well, but i can't really have the same snack every day, so these shakes are definitely something i look forward to once or twice a week.

the ingredients: 2 small scoops of vanilla ice cream...i prefer breyers, about 6 oz. of helios kefir i prefer berry flavor, and a handful of fruit...i prefer an assortment of berries especially blueberries with lots of antioxidants. kefir comes in different flavors even plain i think, so definitely try and experiment with different ice cream flavors and fruits.

just before the blender does its magic. i like mine to be somewhat liquid and not too thick and i blend it just enough for most of the fruit to be puréed with some small chunks left.

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